Best links of the week

by ParentCo. September 04, 2015

If you go to a fair without taking a photo of the ferris wheel, did you really even go to the fair?
Our Vermont roots couldn't be more proud of our state's Official Word (according to Slate, although we fully back their choice.) Find out yours here. Added to our stack of must-reads is Steve Siberman's new book, NeuroTribes The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity. How can you help Syrian refugees? These 6 smaller groups are doing important work and would welcome your support. This Quora thread proves kids are some of the creepiest people ever. A kid's art project that could convince us to tap into our inner Martha. The School of Doodle is everything our teen girl hearts could have wished high school to be. Learn guitar from Cat Power? Get inspired. The Evolve Campaign's ads about gun control are just brilliant. Austin Kleon's quest to find the raddest kid who ever graced Reading Rainbow is an example of the internet at it's finest.



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