Working from home seems like an ideal setup. Except, of course, for the millions of distractions. Many parents are juggling full-time jobs and countless life responsibilities, all with kids at home due to the Omicron outbreak and fear of future variants spreading.
There is an endless list of traditions: religious traditions, new year's traditions, birthday traditions, wedding traditions, Thanksgiving traditions, the list goes on and on. Traditions essentially serve to bring family members together by creating a family culture and strengthening family ties. Here are 10 we think you should try!
One minute you’re changing diapers and wiping noses, the next you’re dropping kids off in their college dorm rooms. Here's how to fill the space they leave.
"If you focus on what is wrong, your child lives up to your vision of failure. If you focus on your child’s strengths, your child lives what is possible."
If there is one thing to know about doing chores with your toddler, it’s this: You need to plan for it to take twice as long while looking half as good. Even if that makes the Type A side of you bristle, there are benefits to involving your little ones in household chores.
A couple of weeks ago, I woke up and began preparing myself for a day of parenting in quarantine, otherwise known as Extreme Multitasking: 2020 Edition.