27 Things to Discuss at Thanksgiving That Aren’t Donald Trump

by ParentCo.

Conversation starters that won't make you want to sit at the kids' table this year.

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A Letter of Apology From a Fitness Writer to Aspiring Exercisers With Young Kids

by ParentCo.

As a parent, I now know that I've published health stories offering advice that, on most days, is impossible to even attempt to follow.

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The Grapes of My Wrath: Champagne and Memory

by ParentCo.

Why I'm not toasting the recent study that made headlines for suggesting that champagne might prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

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Why Kids Are So Vulnerable to Advertising -- Science of Us

by ParentCo.

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Steps to Take Now if You Suspect Child Abuse

by ParentCo.

Here’s what you can do to help if you suspect that one of your kids' friends is being abused. A grim but incredibly important topic.

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Ten Reasons My Roommates Are Terrible

by ParentCo.

Seriously. When are these people getting jobs and moving out of my damn house?

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This Suprising Study Shows How Our Kids Really Use Media

by ParentCo.

Common Sense Media just published something incredible: the clearest view yet of how kids aged 8 to 18 in the US use the full range of media and technology.

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Common Sense Media: Tweens, Teens, and Screens: What Our New Research Uncovers

by ParentCo.

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Charles M. Schulz, Civil Rights, and the Art of Peanuts | Brain Pickings

by ParentCo.

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Are chores the most important thing for kids to be successful?

by ParentCo.

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NYT: Many Children Under 5 Are Left to Their Mobile Devices, Survey Finds

by ParentCo.

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9 Ways Busy Parents Can Reignite A Creative Practice

by ParentCo.

Proven steps that help busy parents pursue their creative calling without sacrificing sanity or family.

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The Car Radio is Ruining My (Sex) Drive

by ParentCo.

Beyoncé was right: I’m not ready for that jelly, and neither is my pre-tween son.

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If At First You Don't Fail, Try Again

by ParentCo.

We preach about the success factors of flexibility, resiliency, and self-control, but we rarely let our kids practice those skills in their daily lives.

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Why I'm Not Climbing Everest This Year

by ParentCo.

Raising a human being tests the limits of your capabilities beyond what the tallest mountain in the world can offer. You can’t top that.

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10 Practical Tips For Teaching Young Kids Kindness and Safety

by ParentCo.

Ideas for helping kids stay safe while practicing compassion in tricky situations.

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Rediscovering Lost Stories from Childhood

by ParentCo.

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Who Dares Discuss Paid Parental Leave in the USA?

by ParentCo.

A perspective on the surprisingly controversial topic of paid parental leave in the US, from a mother who has experienced it from multiple angles.

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The Very Old Family Dog

by ParentCo.

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BPS Research Digest: How do lying skill and frequency change through life, from childhood to old age?

by ParentCo.

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How to Make the First Day of School a Total Success – For You

by ParentCo.

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Does Your Stress Really Harm Your Kids?

by ParentCo.

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30 Fastest Ways for Parents to Reduce Stress, Backed By Science

by ParentCo.

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Start the School Year With Simpler, Better Lunches

by ParentCo.

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