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Product Reviews
by ParentCo.
My emotional posture toward that time is one of holding it close to my heart. In short, I am discovering that pain can be precious.
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by Hussein Founouni
Could those instances and visions had been hypoxia of some sort? Did my mind refuse to let go of my brain because of the love I have for my children?
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by ParentCo.
When I expressed a desire to learn the secrets of the soup, I didn't realize the recipe's benefits would go beyond the culinary preservation of tradition.
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by ParentCo.
A recent study found that being addicted to smartphones creates a chemical imbalance in the brain linked to depression and anxiety in young people.
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by ParentCo.
As if on cue, he hears the back door open. His wife is home, and somehow she’s more chipper than ever.
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by Sandi Schwartz
Getting pregnant is not a walk in the park for every couple who dreams of becoming parents.
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by Amy Barnes
I do not want a she-shed, even though I love to craft. I'd prefer to call it a hormone time-out hut. My dream hormone hut wouldn’t be mine alone.
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by Angela Repke
New research suggests that pregnant women who take Tylenol "or its equivalent) may have daughters with delayed speech.
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by Angela Repke
It turns out, if you want your children to avoid the consumption of junk food, being more direct may be the way to go.
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by Calleen Petersen
The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study offers excellent insight into whether or not the divorce rate is higher for families with Special Needs children.
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by ParentCo.
All of this media attention is already infuriating for the way it maligns all teenagers as reckless and stupid.
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by ParentCo.
The problem with trampolines isn't so much safety as it is categorization. When we categorize trampolines as sports equipment, they look much different.
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by ParentCo.
There are four protective factors that are core to promoting emotional well-being, resilience, and reducing the risky behaviors you may fear as a parent.
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by Michelle Ridell
The good news is there are active measures we can take right now to avoid or counteract beta-amylase production and ensure brain health.
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by ParentCo.
What is the world, really without chocolate? We are about to find out.
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by Patrick William Danz
I realized the empty fuel gauge was indicative of most facets of my life. Essentially, everything is on “E.”
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by Rebecca Martin
A grown man had “noticed” me. Was I supposed to want that? To feel flattered? Abandon my teenage suspicion that I was hideous?
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by The Gottman Institute
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by Rachel Ulriksen
I’m invisible, and today I’m letting myself be mad about it. I hate Kevin. I wish he had never been born.
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by Dolores Smyth
Consider that the harmful effects of long-standing grudges also hurt those we most want to protect: our children.
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by ParentCo.
It seems silly for me to say I miss my husband because it is silly, because he’s right here next to me most of the time.
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by ParentCo.
Here’s the deal that I’ve tried to strike with life: be both. Let the 80/20 rule follow you around and nestle into your everyday.
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by ParentCo.
The kids menu dates back to Prohibition. And while it may have changed a bit over the years, there's a bleakness that seems to endure.
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by ParentCo.
Seven years ago, I never walked. When I went for a run, I ran. I ran when I felt great and when I didn’t. But now I’m tired.
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