More accepting, more generous, more helpful. To some degree, becoming a mom has had these sorts of effects on meI thinkbut its also changed me in other ways that I appreciate even more.
The wayback, as we refer to it, is an ever-changing cornucopia of cast offs. Its like a 7 layer dip of things that left the house with intention and have fallen into some sort of trunk purgatory.
I know millions upon millions of people are putting pen to paper (or, sorry, fingertip to keyboard?) about the whole measles outbreak situation, and in an effort to dust off my soapbox and pretend Im staying relevant, Im going to offer up my own opinions as well.
Every parent wrestles with beliefs about things like swearing. The answer won’t be the same for any two parents, but this is what I've learned after raising 5 kids.
Theres always going to be something you cant lift, climb, reach, or catch. There will be distances you cant run, and plenty of people that will lap you while you try. We set ourselves up for failure when we make exercise into something that's only about our body, forgetting that it's also the best means to care for the mind.