"Inside Out" director, Pete Docter talks research, science and emotion with NPR's Fresh Air

by ParentCo.

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mom playing with four kids outside her house kids have costumes on

How Becoming a Parent Made Me “Better” – In Totally Unexpected Ways

by ParentCo.

More accepting, more generous, more helpful. To some degree, becoming a mom has had these sorts of effects on me—I think—but it’s also changed me in other ways that I appreciate even more.

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This 75-Year study proves that the only thing that matters in life is relationships.

by ParentCo.

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old looking car with cover on it in very bad shape

Confession: my car is a dumpster on wheels. And I’m ready to be ok with that.

by ParentCo.

The wayback, as we refer to it, is an ever-changing cornucopia of cast offs. It’s like a 7 layer dip of things that left the house with intention and have fallen into some sort of trunk purgatory.

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Is bug repellent safe for kids? Plus, suggestions for what works.

by ParentCo.

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young girl looking at an ipad and smiling

Talking social media dos and don’ts for grownups and kids with VPR

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Only children aren’t less socially able

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music cover for father's day with family by a tree cartoon style

Chris Dorman & Friends - Live Streaming Father's Day Performance

by ParentCo.

Tune in for an incredible, free streaming performance of the new album "Always There" from Chris Dorman and Friends this Father's Day!

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Read "Don't Call Me 'Mama'"

by ParentCo.

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icons of bacon bottles and a baby light grey background

The true story of #DadBod according to math

by ParentCo.

I can no longer deny it: #dadbod is here to stay, at least for another month or so, which is forever in Internet time.

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legs on a skateboard with red shoes

How skateboarding helps kids develop a growth mindset

by ParentCo.

Skate culture is super positive and focused on the process of learning. This teaches kids "get better" lessons that encourage a growth mindset.

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Girls don't have to choose between science and princesses

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Study: How much time are we spending on our phones at the playground?

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How to Calm Your Nerves with "Mental Rehearsal" and Get Through Anything

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Mounting Evidence of Advantages for Children of Working Mothers - NYTimes.com

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hands holding tablet with gallery open on screen

What Makes Writing Shareable?

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child with adult looking at an abstract tablet in the sky cartoon

We're hiring!

by ParentCo.

If you’re an iOS or Android engineer, we’d love to hear from you.

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How extreme is too extreme when it comes to kids' sports?

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women with child with brick background

The measles: A desire to break out during an outbreak

by ParentCo.

I know millions upon millions of people are putting pen to paper (or, sorry, fingertip to keyboard?) about the whole measles outbreak situation, and in an effort to dust off my soapbox and pretend I’m staying relevant, I’m going to offer up my own opinions as well.

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What’s the trouble with kids swearing?

by ParentCo.

Every parent wrestles with beliefs about things like swearing. The answer won’t be the same for any two parents, but this is what I've learned after raising 5 kids.

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'Dadbod' isn't a thing. 

by ParentCo.

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In a Blended Family, 'Your Dad' Becomes 'Dad' - NYTimes.com

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woman in sweatpants just legs showing next to a water bottle

My relationship with exercise didn’t get off to a healthy start

by ParentCo.

There’s always going to be something you can’t lift, climb, reach, or catch. There will be distances you can’t run, and plenty of people that will lap you while you try. We set ourselves up for failure when we make exercise into something that's only about our body, forgetting that it's also the best means to care for the mind.

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What Can Technology Do for Tomorrow’s Children? By Arne Duncan on Medium

by ParentCo.

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